94 research outputs found

    Technology of Satellite and Mobile Communication in Modern Distance Education

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    This paper describes the use of technology of satellite and mobile communication for quality improving of modern distance education

    Training Complex for Remote Study of Microcontrollers

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    This paper describes the use of technology of satellite and mobile communication for remote study of mictocontrollers

    Кібербезпека: роль держави у захисті суспільства та окремої особистості у збереженні міжетнічного миру

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    Cybersecurity, cyberwarfare, information wars, cyber defense, cyberspace - concepts that have recently increasingly filled the space around everyone. More and more often we hear these words, more and more often they play an important role. The role of the state in the protection of the national social space, the protection of the individual in this information confrontation is also growing. Equally important in our fleeting world is the growing problem of protecting interethnic peace in the country, and especially in such polyethnic states as Ukraine. Nowadays, even relatively mono-ethnic states, due to active migration processes and significant economic changes, have to deal with the security of the interethnic space. After all, the security of the information space is now, without a doubt, also the security of the state.Кібербезпека, кібервійни, інформаційні війни, кіберзахист, кіберпростір – поняття, які останнім часом все більше заполоняють простір навколо кожної людини. Усе частіше ми чуємо ці слова, усе частіше вони відіграють важливу роль. Зростає й роль держави у захисті національного суспільного простору, захисті окремої людини у цьому інформаційному протистоянні. Не менш важливою стає в нашому швидкоплинному світі все більш зростаюча проблема захисту міжетнічного миру в країні, а особливо в таких поліетнічних державах як Україна. У наш час навіть відносно моноетнічні держави через активні міграційні процеси й значні економічні зміни повинні займатись питаннями безпеки міжетнічного простору. Адже безпека інформаційного простору – тепер, безперечно, це теж безпека держави

    Sensitivity of the FACET experiment to Heavy Neutral Leptons and Dark Scalars

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    We analyze the potential of the recently proposed experiment FACET (Forward-Aperture CMS ExTension) to search for new physics. As an example, we consider the models of Higgs-like scalars with cubic and quartic interactions and Heavy Neutral Leptons. We compare the sensitivity of FACET with that of other proposed “intensity frontier” experiments, including FASER2, SHiP, etc. and demonstrate that FACET could probe an interesting parameter space between the current constraints and the potential reach of the above mentioned proposals

    The Syntax and Semantics of Modelling Exhibition Spaces: A Case Study of the Hryhorii Skovoroda National Literary and Memorial Museum, Ukraine

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the exhibition semantics of the exposition of the H.S. Skovoroda National Literary and Memorial Museum (Ukraine, Kharkiv region). The authors substantiate the concept of dearchaisation of Skovoroda’s image by means of modelling the syntax and semantics of the exhibition space. According to the authors, exhibition design cannot ignore symbolism, as the principles of cultural consumption of “places of memory” function in the stream of consumption of a work of art. The viewer does not come for the subject, but for emotions and experience. Therefore, design should go beyond the physical properties of objects, subjects, compositions, and so on, and the content of any design should ultimately be the conditions for gaining new experience. The relationship between the material (object) and the imaginary (interpretation) is projected at the intersection of exhibition syntax and semantic modelling

    Development of the elastic leather materials production technology

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    The filling-fatliquoring technology of chrome tanned semi-processed leather at the production of elastic leather materials from the raw bull hides with the use of the optimized fatliquor composition is developed. The influence of the fatliquor composition on the physical and chemical properties of elastic leather material is studied. The formula composition was optimized using the global criterion method, which allowed to reduce the problem of multicriteria optimization to single-criteria. A D-optimal plan is designed and implemented by the modified McLean-Anderson method and an adequate mathematical model of the filling-fatliquoring process is obtained. The main parameters of optimization of the constructed model were: yield of leather material, its strength limit and stiffness. A computing module was developed in Visual Basic for Application to automate the calculation; the module allows to determine the optimal process parameters and can be used to optimize similar technological processes. The optimised fatliquor composition provides highly elastic properties of leather material, which in terms of technological properties surpasses the material formed by production technology, respectively, elongation at a stress of 9.81 MPa greater by 21.0% and lower stiffness by 27.0%. A significant increase in the yield of the obtained material ensures the efficient use of raw hides and meets the requirements of DSTU 3115-95 "Garment leather. General technical conditions". The industrial testing results of the developed fillingfatliquoring processes suggest their effective use in new and improved technologies of elastic leather materials production from other types of raw hides and skins

    Система оценки переменных состояния для управления ШИМ преобразователем в структуре механизма качания кристаллизатора

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    Система керування ШІМ перетворювачем в структурі гідроприводу механізму хитання використовується для запобігання спотворення руху кристалізатора. Робота системи основана на зборі даних із акселерометрів. Дана система буде корисною для багатьох металургійних заводів України та за кордоном, де використовується технологія безперервного лиття.The control system of PWM converter in hydraulic drive structure of the mold oscillation mechanism is used for prevent distortions of the mold movement. It is based on collecting data from accelerometers. This system can be useful for many metallurgical plants of Ukraine and overseas where continuous casting technology is used.Система управления ШИМ преобразователем в структуре гидропривода механизма качания используется для предотвращения искажения движения кристаллизатора. Работа системі основана на сборе данных с акселерометров. Такая система будет полезной для многих металлургических заводов Украины и за рубежом, где используется технология непрерывного литья

    A Rare Case of Sezary Syndrome Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma with Complete Response

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    Cutaneous T cell lymphoma is one of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Several types of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma exist. The most common type is mycosis fungoides. Sezary syndrome is a less common type that causes skin redness over the entire body. The common symptoms of Sezary syndrome are erythroderma, leukemia with circulating mononuclear cells having convoluted nuclei and lymph node enlargement due to infiltration by similar cells. Lymphoma starts in the lymphocytes, or the cells in the immune system that are normally found in the lymphatic system. If lymphocytes start growing out of control, they can build up and form a cancerous collection of cells in the skin that can lead to lymphoma. Patients with skin lymphoma might experience a variety of vague or unusual symptoms, including: 1. Peeled skin 2. Rash, which sometimes can itch 3. Mushroom-like skin lesions 4. Swollen lymph nodes, or painless lumps, in the skin 5. Unexplained fevers and weight loss Skin lymphoma usually is well behaved and doesn’t spread throughout the body. However, it has the potential to do so in approximately 15 to 20 percent of cases. At the specialized skin lymphoma clinic at UT Southwestern, we offer a range of treatment options to effectively beat the two specific types of skin lymphoma and their various subtypes [1-4]. Sezary syndrome is an aggressive form of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma which is a group of disorders that occur when T-cells (a type of white blood cell) become cancerous and affect the skin. It is characterized by a widespread red rash that may cover most of the body, the presence of cancerous T cells (called Sezary cells) in the blood, and abnormally enlarged lymph nodes. Other signs and symptoms may include intense itchiness, scaling and peeling of the skin; fever; weight loss; hair loss; outward turning of the eyelids (ectropion); palmoplantar keratoderma; malformation of the nails; and hepatosplenomegaly. The exact cause of Sezary syndrome is currently unknown. Treatment varies based on the signs and symptoms present in each person and the severity of the condition. Prognosis: The long-term outlook (prognosis) for people with Sezary syndrome is generally poor. Sezary syndrome is difficult to cure. Treatment is usually palliative, with the intention of relief of symptoms and improvement in the quality of life. Median survival for patients with Sezary syndrome has been reported to be 2 to 4 years after development of the condition, although survival has improved with newer treatments. The disease-specific 5-year survival rate has been reported to be 24%. We present 1 case of Sezary syndrome which happened in our hospital with complete response

    Factors affecting changes in immunohistochemistry phenotype of breast cancer

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    Background: Modern clinical trials indicate that during system treatment change of breast cancer phenotype is observed quite often. Aim: The aim of work was research of frequency of changes and factors that influenced on the changes of immunohistochemistry (IHC) status of tumor in the process of treatment and initiation. Material and Methods: Clinical data of 65 patients with breast cancer was analyzed

    Оптимізація систем «паливний електрогенератор – електродвигун» в САПР

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    The main problems of computer-aided design of «fuel electric generator – asynchronous electric motor» systems stem from the fact that these systems canєt be considered separately during optimization. Theoretically, the increase in production efficiency due to CAD, which ensures the optimization of equipment parameters for global connectivity, is proved.A computational model of «fuel electric generator – asynchronous electric motor» system with comparable energy parameters of the source and the consumer, which takes into account the processes that occur not only in the electric motor, but also in the generator is proposed. The concept of a «global connectivity» between the arguments of a projected object as a characteristic of the relationship between the parameters of subsystems is suggested, when such connection dominates over others. In the sense that it is present in the largest number of computational models, in connection with which, its calculation has a decisive influence on the design object as a whole. The method of calculation of «fuel electric generator – asynchronous electric motor» systems in CAD is proposed, in which the intermediate objective function is not one of the consumer qualities of the object, but the nominal global connectivity between the elements of the system.In Odessa, LLC «Specialized Energetic Enterprise «Energo-KOM» (Ukraine), a CAD test of electrical equipment «OPTIGLOC» is conducted, which is based on the proposed models and methods. As the object of computer-aided design, «diesel generator – asynchronous induction motor» system is used. As a result of the tests it is found that the use of the CAD «OPTIGLOC» allows to reduce the specific fuel consumption in the generator by 5.3 %. At the same time, the service life of the system and the stability of its technical tasks do not change, and the design time is reduced by an average of 13.7 %.Главные проблемы автоматизированного проектирования систем «топливный электрогенератор – асинхронный электродвигатель» вытекают из того, что эти системы при оптимизации не могут быть рассмотрены отдельно. Теоретически обосновано повышение эффективности производства за счет САПР, которая обеспечивает оптимизацию параметров оборудования по глобальной связности. Разработана САПР «OPTIGLOC» и осуществлено ее производственное испытание с положительным технико-экономическим эффектом.Головні проблеми автоматизованого проектування систем «паливний електрогенератор – асинхронний електродвигун» випливають з того, що ці системи при оптимізації не можуть бути розглянуті окремо. Теоретично обґрунтоване підвищення ефективності виробництва за рахунок САПР, яка забезпечує оптимізацію параметрів обладнання за глобальною зв'язністю. Розроблено САПР «OPTIGLOC» та здійснено її виробниче випробування із позитивним техніко-економічним ефектом